There was a lot of enthusiastic support for the formation of EMAHK before it officially started. So much so that work on creating a recognizable brand had started to coincide with its launch.

The brand was  designed by Mr. Stanley Wong, alias anothermountainman (又一山人), who is an internationally acclaimed artist, creative professional and a keen supporter of environment.  When he was asked to design the brand identity of the Association, he wanted to do something different. He created an identity for the Association that can grow over the years to signify sustainable development.

The logo of the Association resembles windflowers. It has 20 petals to signify the 20th anniversary of the MSc ENVM programme in 2010, the year of EMAHK’s formation. The petals represent seeds for future growth, as they will grow into new windflowers when they land on the right soil.



「香港環境管理協會」 在籌辦時,承蒙許多熱心人仕的支持 ,會徽趕及本會之創立而誕生。

本會會徽由黃炳培先生(又名 「 又一山人」)設計,黃先生為國際著名的藝術家和創意專業翹楚,並且熱愛環境。當初本會請求他幫忙設計會徽,他希望作出別樹一格的設計,如此想出了以一株野花,標誌著本會可持續發展的身份象徵。

會徽是一朵20片花瓣組成的野花, 代表著2010年 「環境管理理學碩士」課程成立的第20個週年。 每片花瓣承載著種子,為未來的發展,在合適的土地上,落地生根。