The Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong (EMAHK) is a registered society under the Society Ordinance. Its first Annual General Meeting was held on 20th November 2010, and its executive committee was elected to office on the same day. Presently, it has over 100 members, the majority hold MSc Environmental Management (MSc ENVM) from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) or higher degrees from related fields in different institutions.
EMAHK was set up by a group of graduates of the MSc Environmental Management Programme, which has its first batch of graduates in 1991. Mr Clement Lam was the first Chairman of the Association. Prof. Peter Hills of the Kadoorie Institute, HKU and Dr. Kenneth Leung, Programme Director of the MSc Environmental Management are its founding advisors.
The aim of the EMAHK is to improve the quality of the environment in Hong Kong and its vicinity by improving awareness through stressing the importance of environmental management. Professional views will also be provided on what is needed to manage the many challenges to our environment in the face of continuous economic development. Our input will cover issues from environmental policy to specific issues and projects. With the multi-disciplinary and professional background of our members, we believe we differ from other environmental bodies which are generally organized around a specific scope.
The body consists of graduates of the MSc (ENVM) programme of the University of Hong Kong, which has successfully turned out over 600 graduates in the past 20 years, most of whom have become environmental professionals and academics. The membership is also open to all those who have similar educational and professional background.
EMAHK Membership Leaflet – 2017 0307
「香港環境管理協會」(EMAHK)已根據香港《社團條例》,註冊成為合法團體。我們首個週年大會,於2010年11月20日舉行,並同日選出執行委員會。當天約百多名成員出席,主要來自香港大學 「環境管理理學碩士」課程 或其他院校相關領域的大專畢業生。
「香港環境管理協會」(EMAHK)旨在改善香港及鄰近地區的環境質素,強調環境管理的重要,藉此提升社會的認知。同時, 冀望能夠以專業知識, 為經濟發展帶來的環境深遠影響, 提供意見 。我們涵蓋範籌包括環境政策、不同發展項目和個別議題。本會成員來自多元學科,以及各方專業背景,有別於其他環保團體專注特定範籌或項目。