We are pleased to support the BEC EnviroSeries Conference. Its aims to prepare and galvanise Hong Kong businesses to join force in the race to net-zero carbon. Specifically, the Conference will (a) showcase the importance of setting ambition and taking early business action, (b) discuss how innovation and partnership can bridge the gap between pledges and action, and (c) inspire BEC members and the private sector to transform for a net-zero and sustainable Hong Kong.

Event Details
Date : 17 June 2022 (Fri)
Time : 09:40 – 16:55
Venue : BEC Auditorium and Online
Event web page: https://bec.org.hk/en/eventinfo?eid=128
Registration : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCw_ab7sFvBmddNJ2SsBuvj-BDHjQLW43bVy-BdJs0xi0C0g/viewform