To provide the public with information about single-use plastics and explore ways to gradually control non-essential and hard-to-recycle single-use plastic items, territory-wide public engagement (PE) exercise adopting a bottom-up and stakeholder-oriented approach was conducted the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) in 2021. During this PE, a total of 35 engagement events were organised with around 2,600 people participated. SDC also received and analysed over 9,400 views collection forms, 60 written submissions from public and trades and successfully interviewed 1,003 persons via the randomized telephone opinion survey. On 14 Apr 2022, SDC presented the 24 recommendations across 5 key areas to the government on the control of single use plastics. This seminar aims to equip our members with a better understanding of these recommendations and initiatives.

Date:  21 July 2022 (Thu)

Time: 1900 – 2000

Speaker: Ir Kenny Wong (Head of Carbon and Environmental Excellence Unit at Hong Kong Productivity Council)

Venue: Online by Zoom

Language: This talk will be conducted in ENGLISH

Fee: This is a free event *refer to notes

Click HERE for registration.


A 1-hour CPD Certificate will be awarded to EMAHK and HKIQEP Members.
HK$50 will be charged to non-members who wish to receive a CPD Certificate.
A Zoom link will be sent to all registered persons one day before the event.